My philosophy when building robots is to ensure that they not only work in the way required but also that they look aesthetically correct with clean lines and good construction methods. It is the first version of this robot with subsequent versions having Bluetooth control, via an Android App which I will be developing on Android Studio, IR sensors for object detection and LCD display. This is my first project to be published on the Instructables site.

90 Arduino documentation 1.0 3 ©Erik Verberne ( ) 35. 8 Digits 7-‐Segment Display with TM1638 chip. Programming an Arduino Board through USB. Erik Verberne January 29th 2014 ©Erik Verberne ( ) Table of contents Foreword. Most schematics and most photographs are my own work. I derived and simplified most sketches from samples that came with the corresponding libraries. As long as it is clear that I’m the author of this document, you can use this document for any non-‐commercial or educational projects. Since Arduino is open source, I decided to donate this document to other Arduino fans in the world. This document is the result of that documentation. I soon found out that I needed to document my findings. So I bought some Arduino boards and a couple of sensors and actuators to experiment with. In December 2013 I decided to investigate whether it would be interesting for our Application Developers to take a minor in the subject Embedded Software and specifically Arduino.

At my department we also teach Application Developers. Arduino documentation Erik Verberne ROC A12 Version: 0.95 Foreword I work in the Netherlands at ROC A12 as a teacher ICT Management.